Main Characters

stained glass icons by eshpur

About Collinsworth

The story of Collinsworth is set in an industrial dark fantasy world greatly inspired by the 19th century, and primarily follows the journey of Hannah "Hana" Collinsworth, the main character and namesake of the project. Even though the story holds different, individual meanings for each of the three major characters—namely Hana, Jayde and Aun—, it mainly focuses on the question of the shadow self, and also finding purpose, personal comfort and peace in a demanding, highly dysfunctional world that got severely blinded by the discovery of new technology.This project is entirely self-indulgent, my own little world I get lost in and which I develop based on some of my greatest personal interests and loves. Everything started with my dearest character who accompanies me since my earliest teen years, Hana, and a particular version of her I had in mind since 2010. Eventually, I started to build a world around this idea which, after a lot of shaping, became Collinsworth as it is today.

The World of Collinsworth

If you think about the world of Collinsworth, imagine a buzzing world at its peak of the Industrial Revolution where wondrous inventions and steam-powered machinery reign hand in hand with a never before-seen Chaos.

Brief Lore

Legends only tell a story—they may offer the illusion of certainty amidst the unexplainable. Yet all there is known for certain is their mere existence.According to the Olds, God, after creating the world, extended their three arms and placed three Holy Souls onto Earth, messengers to continue their work. Who they are, what they are and where they came from, no one knows for sure. A holy presence is what they are perceived as, the Will of God personified as a Higher Human—at least, so they say.The Three Arms of God, Arma Dei, Emanations or the Holy Trinity, Divine Guardians… They received many names and many titles from the common folk. Their existence is the basis of the most common religion with its heart being the Katedralium, the great union of the Arma Dei: the Archons (Imperator), Shapers (Formator) and Arbiters (Actor).


The Archons are the force of control and creation. They are the trusted keepers of knowledge and history, the guardians of the past and present. They understand the most primal of elements and basic materials, break them down and manipulate them to their will— like controlling and materialising light itself.The typical characteristics of an Archon are remarkable physical strength, white skin and snow-white hair—signs of divine purity, or so they call it. When they use their powers, their eyes illuminate in a blue colour.


The Shapers are skilled manipulators of Space and Time, the "Shapers of Reality"—hence their name. They are tasked to watch over and, if necessary, control Time itself, and closely monitor dimensions, events and memories of mankind.The typical characteristics of a Shaper are white skin and either golden or ash-blonde hair. When they are using their power, their eyes illuminate in a golden colour.


The Arbiters were also called Judges or Punishers by the common folk—and for a good reason. Gifted with exceptional internal focus, remarkable vision, perception, agility and skill, they used to be tasked with not only observing, supporting and monitoring the people but also judging, capturing and eliminating any potential "evil". Unlike Archons and Shapers, Arbiters had no typical characteristics which would make them easily recognisable. Their true identity could be only exposed by their fiery eyes which lit up in a reddish-orange colour only for brief seconds when they were focusing their powers.

Under the great union of the Katedralium, the Archons, Shapers and Arbiters lent their skills in service of humanity. Together, these three brought Order to the world’s ever-existing Chaos and battled whatever force may cause a disturbance. They formed multiple kinds of organisations and guilds while bound to their very own sacred Codex, to which they stayed loyal until death and beyond. Over centuries, the royal bloodline consisted mostly of higher-ranking members of the Katedralium also.While taking advantage of their powers, however, more and more Arbiters fell prey to the sins of humanity and started to deviate from their Codex. This chain of events eventually led to an event only referred to as the Uprising: the Katedralium has chosen to cast out the Arbiter bloodline from their ranks.The behaviour of many members of the Arbiter bloodline along with the well-thought-out actions of the Katedralium have been serving as a catalyst for unfortunate events, which brought fear into the hearts of the people. The ever-growing paranoia and anger of being controlled, watched over and judged caused people to go on hunts and they started causing havoc among themselves. Those Arbiters who haven't been put aside by the members of the Katedralium or haven't fled the Kingdoms, the fearful and raging humanity either kidnapped or murdered.As a result of the Uprising in the Kingdoms, Arbiters are no more. Their tainted memory and bad reputation is the only thing they left in their wake, and their name became the subject of stories told to scare children. Though, some say there are still some who roam the streets. How many, no one can confirm, though not many believe in "old tales" anymore in a world where steam-powered technology became the new, frantically worshipped God.The Uprising brought more than just the downfall of the Arbiter bloodline in the Kingdoms. The old balance got severely damaged, causing issues and conflicts not only outside, but also inside the Katedralium and its many guilds. Taking advantage of the turmoil caused by the Arbiters, many decided to walk their path and turn their back on their Codex along with their bloodline. They disguised themselves to hide their true identity and left hoping for a remote, peaceful, and "normal" life while vowing to never use their sacred gifts again. Most of them turned out to be blacksmiths, tailors and farmers who either integrated themselves into smaller villages or formed their own away from society.During the years of the Uprising in the Kingdoms, a secret, underground organisation of renegade Shapers decided to take things into their hands. Calling themselves the New Order, they defied the Katedralium, abandoned their Codex and wandered forth. Eventually, they found shelter in the Naran Desert; a faraway, secluded land. Being out of the Katedralium's sight, the deserters could rebuild and gather strength. They brought their technology with them, offered their services to the leadership, and shared their knowledge that allowed the capital city, Solim, to bloom.During the current era of the Industrial Revolution, the New Order works hand in hand with the aristocracy and the leadership of Solim, the Great City: a remarkable treasure of the wast desert where the Sun never shines, and the sky is painted black from the dense smoke of the many industries. Its monumental, pearl-white walls and sleek chimneys painted in gold and azure radiate underneath the dark sky. The New Order became its rock-solid foundation, its guardian and powerful army, its always-watching eyes that never fear to act if something goes wrong for the theoretical good of Solim and its population.Centuries after the Uprising passed, the world went through a never before seen change, and only fragments of the Old remain. The Katedralium has gone silent, and technology has become the new ruler of mankind. In this New World, the story of Collinsworth takes place.

Hannah "Hana" Collinsworth

Hannah Collinsworth
Hana, Dust, Worthy
female (she/her)
March 13th
173 cm

Hana, the expert marksman

Hana is the main character and the namesake of Collinsworth, also one of the last known alive individuals of the Arbiter bloodline. She's a sharpshooter who never goes anywhere without her loyal firearms, a headhunter and mercenary for hire, and a violinist by heart. Her shop is set up inside a tavern of one of the shadier industrial districts of the great capital.The world of Collinsworth will be introduced with her help and the story primarily focuses on her adventures and journey, both external and internal, and her reactions to the occurring events.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


"Complex" is the word that would describe Hana the best. She's a free spirit who lives by her own laws and her own ideals, cares for her own well-being the most and acts accordingly. She's a down-to-earth, incredibly calm and collected woman who keeps a cool head even under stress and in difficult situations; along with her typical, warm—yet somewhat shady—smile. Though she's serene, reserved and highly values peace, she very much enjoys and loves a good adventure.Despite her distance-keeping, to-the-point and often cold attitude, she's trustworthy, honest and can be genuinely relied on. If she promises something, she keeps her word and wouldn't betray the trust others put in her. Even though she doesn't trust people in general and it's hard to earn her sympathy, she respects others along with their beliefs and choices, even if she can’t understand or even disagrees with them. She plays with words masterfully, acts and speaks in an overall polite manner—often hides her sarcasm this way—and can turn hostile if not treated with proper respect. Her level of patience is fairly high; it is hard to provoke her as she only evades it with politely sarcastic responses, though once she had enough, she can be quite threatening and resentful. She doesn't care at all if she is making "enemies".Hana prefers to work, travel and act solely on her own. She is sceptical no matter who she speaks to and pays constant attention to what and how much she tells, though there is a kind soul underneath her thick skin. She is very confident, quick-witted and clever, always thinks twice before acting and hates to leave things to chance. Pride isn't something she knows and she easily admits if she's wrong, doesn't know something or makes a mistake.Although she is a headhunter and mercenary for hire, she won't accept any given job offer—whatever she is willing to do must be morally “right” according to her and must meet her standards, and she has her prices set in stone. She measures every situation and potential client, refuses to kill on a whim and hurt an innocent creature or person, especially not for the sake of money.At a younger age and before settling down as a headhunter, Hana used to be a travelling musician for a while. She roamed the land, played music wherever she went and offered protection to fellow travellers, merchants and actors on their way to the next town or city. Even though she had to leave that life behind, she still takes the opportunity to play whenever she can. The sound of her father's violin—her most treasured possession next to her loyal firearms—, accompanied her whole life. It lets her connect to her forgotten, carefree childhood self, and its sound can bring her back in time and calm her troubled nerves whenever she hears it.

Her later years as a royal advisor

Even though Hana acts almost the same way as is typical of her, with the passing of time, her methods and beliefs became a lot more radical than before. Her person didn't remain unaffected as a result of events and the sudden power she gained; filled with anger and burning hatred, she became arrogant and unforgiving towards other human beings, also she lacks empathy. She kept her overall polite manners, though it mostly serves as a way to hide her loathing. More often than not, she lets her sarcasm shine through.Many see her as a bad influence, a tyrant behind the good-hearted King, which accusation she straight-on refuses with her typical warm smile on her face. No matter what, she's feared and disliked by many for many reasons, and this pain of mistrust greatly fuels her anger and arrogance. She isn't known for her mercy and kind heart, even though she merely responds to the way she's being treated. However, her loyalty and honesty remained unscarred—never would she lie nor would she do something she considers "wrong" according to her standards.


Hana, taking advantage of her bloodline, mastered her skills as a marksman. She's an expert of ranged weapons and, sometimes, she uses a variety of special bullets as ammunition. She travels with two pistols and a lever-action rifle she named Lionheart; she uses the latter most of the time, and the former just barely. She strongly refuses to wield anything else but her beloved firearms.Her heavily enhanced vision allows her to shoot any target even from a great distance. Her intelligence, excellent reflexes and ability to move and jump around with ease and as quickly as her bullet itself makes her a dangerous opponent.


Hana is a tall woman with soft brown skin and straight, ash-blonde hair of which she later dyes the ends deep black. She inherited her fairly uncommon appearance from her mother who came from the Naran Desert. Due to her appearance, she gained the nickname Dust.She is slim and athletic, slightly muscular with an hourglass body shape. Her sleek, feminine face has sharp, characteristic features, a long nose and narrow eyes. Her eyes are coffee-brown in colour, and she prefers to heavily enhance her piercing look with elegant black eyeliner and strong, smokey eyeshadow. Across the left side of her face runs a remarkable scar: a result of an unfortunate encounter she had as a child, which left her left eye almost entirely blind and heavily damaged. She chooses to hide her weak eye under her hair and makes sure no one can see it.When Hana focuses her powers, her healthy eye lights up in a fiery, reddish-orange colour, exposing her true identity as an Arbiter.


  • Hana is my oldest and dearest character who accompanies me for more than 13 years. She greatly influenced the world I decided to create around her several years ago, which ended up becoming Collinsworth as it is today.

  • If Hana would have a character alignment and a personality type, she would be lawful neutral and INTJ-A.

  • Even though Hana spent a significant amount of her life in a tavern, she refuses to drink alcoholic beverages of any kind, feels annoyed—even uncomfortable—around drunk people and her tolerance towards them is very low. She excelled at keeping order at the tavern she called her "home" for several years, which was one of the conditions of her stay. When she approached the capital city to find shelter and set up shop as a headhunter, the bartender offered her a room and a quiet, separated corner inside his tavern in exchange for a minor payment and for keeping everything in check.

  • Of all the places, Hana loves forests the most and she enjoys and values a quiet walk in the woods more than almost anything. She loves to listen to the wind rattling the leaves and to the birds, and she often escapes there from the city to play on her violin or just have some peace.

  • She has a fondness for birds of all kinds, but ravens are her favourites. During the latter part of the story, she'll use a walking cane with a golden raven skull.

  • Her sense of humour is fairly dark and terrible. She has literally none.

  • Her favourite flowers are black dahlias.

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Jayde Trefort

Jayde Trefort
Jayde, Jay
female (she/her)
January 26th
165 cm


It is not easy to find Jayde as she doesn’t want to be found by anyone. Since she is considered a runaway criminal, she keeps her distance, uses her abilities to hide and avoids showing herself in public. She mostly appears to the people who are in need of her help or whom she knows she can certainly trust.Jayde is a descendant of the renegade Shapers who, during the Uprising, left for the Naran Desert. She was born into and raised among the walls of the New Order—a life she eventually decided to leave behind. Since she deserted and escaped her Order, she wanders from city to city whilst never staying too long in one place. She considers the great dunes her only true home.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Jayde is a big dreamer and storyteller who always has a joke at hand, a wounded healer with a heart of gold. Her communication skills are superb, she gets along well with people in general and is a good company to have. She loves to brighten up others with her humour and—often quite exaggerated, questionable yet strangely engaging—stories. She has a curious, observant, warm, loving and energetic personality overall, is quite the risk-taker, and understands and genuinely cares for people. She committed her life to helping, inspiring and supporting others and she's passionate about doing everything within her power to fight against the actions of her fellow Shapers. Still wearing the cape with their symbol, Jayde wants to show that not all Shapers have to be a subject of fear.She clings to hope and always forces a positive worldview on herself. She believes in everything turning out to be well in the end, no matter how bad the situation may be at the very moment. This optimism of hers is unshakable—it simply can’t be otherwise. Some who know Jayde might perceive her as reckless, others might see her as a desperate, sad soul trying to run and hide her sorrow—which isn't very far away from the truth she never tells. Nevertheless, she's intelligent and knows what she does, has incredible confidence in herself and her friends, her abilities, her actions and her will to accomplish whatever she has taken into her head.

Her quiet rebellion

Jayde made plenty of friends during her travels throughout the deserts, some of which share her vision, beliefs and enthusiasm, and agreed to help her in whatever ways they can. Some of her most treasured friends are the merchant twins from the Red City, Elias and Erin, who supply her with plenty of useful information along with food and water.


As a Shaper, Jayde is able to control and warp Time and Space around her. Among other things, this includes speeding up, slowing down, stopping and reversing time for short durations and periods, also she's capable of sensing and bending dimensions.Jayde is a Healer who, besides her usual Shaper abilities, can use her powers to reverse damage and mend the body and physical wounds. Even from a young age, she was more interested in the ways of a Healer and received her training accordingly. She perfected her skills and she gladly uses them now to do good and ease the pain of the world. She only makes use of her natural abilities as a Shaper to hide and ensure her survival.


Jayde is a young woman of middle height. She has the typical traits of a Shaper—soft, milk-white skin and bright, ash-blonde hair that she keeps in two layers: a diagonally cut top layer and a longer bottom layer tied together in a ponytail. Her eyes are hazel coloured and have a strong red tone around them, and she prefers to enhance her look with dark eyeliner. Her facial features are soft-ish, her nose long and crooked.She's slender and rather weak physically, thus she relies heavily on her Shaper blood. When using her powers, her eyes glow in a golden colour.


  • Jayde’s overall character was heavily inspired by the game Journey.

  • If Jayde would have a character alignment and a personality type, she would be chaotic good and ENFP-A.

  • The hourglass she constantly carries with herself contains the ashes of her best friend, Alastair Flynn. She lifted his urn during her escape from the New Order due to a promise, and she keeps it attached to her belt to always have it (and him) close. It is a common practice among Shapers to mix the ashes of their dead with holy sand and then lay them to rest using specially crafted hourglasses. In the ancient Naran temple where the headquarter of the Order is, a room serves as their graveyard—its monumental walls and massive shelves are filled with various hourglass urns. Even the Shapers themselves don't like to visit nor go near the place—some say it has a mystical, terrifying aura, like Time itself wouldn't dare to flow there.

  • Due to her weaker physical state, Jayde gets tired easily. She tends to sleep at random hours of the day for shorter periods and often spends the night stargazing.

  • She can get very emotional and her mood can switch in the blink of an eye.

  • Jayde received the nickname Time Thief as a joke from her closest friends because it's like she would steal the time of anyone who has to listen to her stories.

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female (she/her)
170 cm


Aun is a soundless shadow, a daughter of the city, the night and the rooftops. A master thief with her very own network of merchants, thieves and spies. She works strictly on her own and sells whatever she manages to get her hands on to her contacts.She appears during the latter part of the story and, eventually, becomes Hana's secret accomplice, private spy and informant.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Having to learn to take care of herself on the streets of the capital at a fairly young age, Aun grew thick skin while growing up. Developing her skills in thievery, stealth, climbing and running was crucial for her survival, and being a thief defines a major part of Aun's personality. She lives for the moment most of the time, she can be greatly motivated by gold, and is certainly willing to steal anything from anyone for a decent payment. She's very confident in her skills, loves good challenges and tends to push herself further, though never too far beyond her abilities. She's a sharp-eyed observer who remains cautious under all circumstances, always plans ahead—though never too far ahead—and measures every possibility and outcome.She tends to make flirtatious comments and often calls people dear, darling, honey or sweetheart, no matter if whom she's talking to is a man or woman. These comments are empty and serve as mere teasing, though, and it's her way to show her lack of respect. She is self-centered, sarcastic and exceptionally cynical, has little to no interest in other people and isn't afraid to voice it. Her ability to not give a damn about almost anything but her own well-being is remarkable. Although she has her very own network of thieves, spies and merchants, most people around her are mere tools in her eyes and they are of no interest to her beyond that. Her respect and trust are hard-earned, not to mention her attention and interest, and she never forgets the people who wronged her. She counts on herself only, loves to be all alone and work alone, lives for herself and seeks her own joy and happiness, her way to get by day by day. She values actions and actions only, spoken words and promises don't mean much to her. Although she's brutally honest and harsh, she doesn't have any trouble lying and hiding her true thoughts if needed.


Throughout the years, Aun slowly but surely built up a complete network consisting of thieves, spies and merchants she deemed reliable, trustworthy, fair and valuable. They supply her and each other with both resources and various information, and they vowed to help each other out in times of need. Although they are few in number, Aun values the quality of her contacts a lot more than the quantity.Among the members are two of her most treasured and trusted people, Rylan Emery and Mariam Lavardin. Both are good friends of hers since childhood, especially Rylan, who's almost like a brother to her—her chosen family. Both Rylan and Aun have an unshakable trust in and can rely on each other in times of need.


Aun is a master of stealth, a soundless thief skilled in climbing, acrobatics, picking locks of any kind and is almost as quick as Hana herself—though her reflexes aren't as refined at all. She made or modified all the weapons she uses: she wields a mechanical crossbow and a variety of specially crafted arrows, and she's a skilled user of her dagger as well. She appreciates and is quite interested in mechanics of any kind and has no problem understanding and memorizing its little details.


Aun has white skin and diagonally cut, shoulder-length, deep blueish-black hair. Her narrow eyes are ice blue—some call her the Thief with the Winter Eyes—, and she prefers to enhance her cold, sharp look with elegant, black eyeliner and strong, smokey eyeshadow. There are also two sleek silver rings pierced into her right ear.A huge amount of bigger and smaller scars decorate both her face and her slim, athletic body. A remarkable, deep cut runs up the left side of her mouth, allowing a glimpse of her teeth to peek through. It continues up on her cheek and across the bridge of her nose, and there is another deep cut across her right eyebrow along with some smaller ones on the right side of her cheek and chin.


  • If Aun would have a character alignment and a personality type, she would be true neutral and INTJ-A.

  • She rarely shows herself during daylight, and she only removes her hood and mask when feeling entirely safe.

  • Aun has a fondness for watches. She loves to take them apart, study them and put them back together, or even repair the broken ones she might "find". Watches are something she usually never sells and keeps for herself.

  • She regularly feeds the birds of the capital city, names and recognizes each and every one of them. She has a special love for a raven she named Esdras (meaning: helper).

  • Sometimes at night, she tends to climb up the highest spots where she can watch over the whole city and likes to quietly sing when no one is hearing her.

  • Her chosen name, Aun, originates from the term A-un. "It is the transliteration in Japanese of the two syllables a and hūm. Together, they symbolically represent the beginning and the end of all things."

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Mariam Lavardin
Mariam, Red
female (she/her)
158 cm

Mariam, the red spy

As an orphan herself, Mariam grew up on the streets of the great Capital and has a connection to Aun for a very long time. She's a spy of Aun's underground network and one of her most trusted friends.Mariam gathers and sells secret information to Aun and other thieves in the Capital. She's immensely mistrustful towards strangers she never worked with before, so she strictly works for her contacts and them alone.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Mariam is a stoic spy whose face doesn't show much emotion. She's very reserved and quiet, yet ever so loyal. She's prone to cruel behaviour, but she always restrains herself from causing severe harm and prefers to stay away from people in general—even her friends don't see her often. She's melancholic with a rather pessimistic attitude, though it doesn't stop her from being remarkable at what she does. Even though she has lost hope, she continues to fight day by day on her friends' side and supports them—though especially herself—under any circumstances.


Mariam has short, very messy hair that is dark burgundy in colour. Her wide, big eyes are always tired, and her deep, ocean-blue gaze feels heavy and emotionless. Her face has sharp, angular features with a short, pointy, red nose. Her cold, pale white skin is decorated with plenty of small scars. She is prone to injuries and bleeding, and she has an overall short build with slim bones and limbs.Her weapon of choice is a dangerously sharp, elegant and sleek dagger.

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Rylan Emery
Rylan, Ryle, Ry
male (he/him)
182 cm

Rylan, the black thief

Rylan is another of the thieves of Aun's underground network who often deals with merchants also. He knows Aun since childhood from the same orphanage, and these two grew up on the streets of the capital city together.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Rylan has a to-the-point, fair-and-square, empathetic and modest personality. He may be quiet, reserved, has the occasional sarcastic comment and often appears grumpy and annoyed, yet he shows a warm and caring personality towards his friends. He values her chosen family over material goods under any circumstances—especially Aun who he considers his chosen sister. He is self-aware, intelligent, very confident and headstrong, and his skills make him an excellent, crafty thief.


Rylan is a tall, slender and muscular man. He has messy, shoulder-length black hair with a brownish tint, and he keeps the back tied together in a loose ponytail while the lets the front part fall into his face. He has robust yet sleek facial features, a dark stubble sits on his strong jawline and his dark, deep-sitting eyes are dark brown—almost entirely black.


Alastair Flynn
Alastair, Ali
male (he/him)
August 9th
169 cm

Alastair, Golden Shaper of the Keeper Circle

Alatair was another descendant of the renegade Shapers who, during the Uprising, left for the Naran Desert. Just like Jayde, he was born into and raised among the walls of the New Order. As one of the Shapers of the Keeper Circle, he received his training accordingly and perfected his Time-warping and manipulative abilities. Amongst many others, he was in charge of keeping all events in check and, in cooperation with the Healers, acted as a loyal guard of the citizens and the government of Solim.Alastair was Jayde's best friend since childhood. He, Jayde and Suvi grew up together in the Order and were like family to each other until the day of their separation in the Circles. Jayde and Alastair still stuck together like brother and sister until a series of unfortunate events ended up separating them forever.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Alastair had a cheerful, curious and overall positive personality. He was always very keen to learn and discover new things, and he had a natural thirst for adventure and knowledge that often got him—and Jayde—into trouble. Being born from Shaper's blood, Alastair had a sense of a greater calling and was a stubborn—sometimes even naive—dreamer. He was eager to help and protect others, and he had the ability to uplift and motivate his peers. For Jayde, he was a great inspiration to do the same and be her best self.


Alastair was a young, slender man with the typical characteristics of a Shaper. His shoulder-length hair was honey blonde, and he kept its top back layer tied together in a small ponytail while he let the rest fall loosely on his face and neck. His curious eyes were chestnut brown, his comforting gaze full of warmth and, sometimes, childlike wonder.After his passing, his ashes got mixed with Holy Sand and were placed into an hourglass urn representing his rank in the Order. This is the hourglass Jayde carries with her everywhere she goes.


Suzanne Vidal
female (she/her)
June 29th
170 cm

Suvi, the lioness of the Healer Circle

Suvi is another descendant of the renegade Shapers who, during the Uprising, left for the Naran Desert. Just like Jayde, she was born into and raised among the walls of the New Order and is one of the Shapers of the Healer Circle. Although she clearly sees the flaws and misdirections of her superiors, her devotion to her Order and to the ways of a Shaper is unshakably strong. She is a loyal and proud individual of her bloodline.She and Jayde knew each other since childhood—though the two aren't exactly "friends" anymore. Despite their strong differences and Suvi's devotion to the Order, she agreed to secretly help Jayde during and after her desertion, and occasionally informs her about any happenings inside the Order, their next steps and their whereabouts.

Respect the creator's rights! Collinsworth including every character and artwork published on this website is created and rightfully owned by © Beryl Ann | AUNHANA with the exception of the "Gallery – art by amazing artists" section. You have NO permission NOR the right to use my project, characters and artworks as your own in any shape or form, re-upload, steal, trace or copy them in any form and by any means.


Suvi believes in rules and order. She is a strict perfectionist, a leader personality who fulfils her Shaper duties without hesitation. Her controlling demeanour is not always welcomed amongst her peers, yet the results she provides speak for themselves. She is very efficient and one of the most skilled Healers in the Circle. She doesn't let any emotion get in her way of logic and efficiency, though she has a kind soul who only wants the best for her people. She believes in serving the greater good and bettering the lives of people with her "God-given" abilities.


Suvi is a tall woman with the typical characteristics of a Shaper. She has white, peach-coloured skin with long, golden hair that she keeps in two layers: the shorter top layer sits loosely on her shoulders while she wrapped the long bottom layer together. She has soft facial features with a flat nose and unimpressed eyes that are bright ocean blue in colour. She enhances her look with thin blue eyeliner that matches her eye colour.